All ports of entry into South Africa have been informed that unabridged birth certificates and consent letters are no longer required for international minors travelling to South Africa with their parents. The waiver was recently signed by Minister Motsoaledi and comes into effect immediately.
Please see requirements below:
- If a child is accompanied by both parents
- Valid Passport
- A copy of their birth certificate/equivalent document or passport containing the details of a parent or parents of the child.
- If a child is travelling with one parent
- Valid Passport
- Copy of birth certificate/equivalent document
- Copy of the passport/ID of the absent parent
- Contact details of the absent parent
- Where applicable a copy of the court order granting full parental responsibilities and rights or legal guardianship in respect of the child. A copy of the death certificate of the deceased parent.
- If a child is travelling with someone who isn’t their biological parent
- Valid Passport
- A copy of the birth certificate/equivalent document
- Parental consent letter (s)
- A copy of passport (s), ID document (s) of the parent (s) or legal guardian (s)
- Contact details of the parent (s)/legal guardian (s)
- Where applicable a copy of a deatch certificate, adoption order, a copy of the court order granting full parental responsibilities and rights/legal guardianship in respect of the child.
- If a child is travelling unaccompanied
- A copy of his/her birth certificate
- Parental consent letters
- A copy of passport (s)/ID (s) of the parent (s)/legal guardian (s)
- Contact details of the parent (s)/legal guardian (s)
- A letter from the person who is to receive the child in the Republic containing his/her residential address and contact details in the Republic where the child will reside
- A copy of the ID document/valid passport and Visa or permanent residence permit of the person who is to receive the child in the Republic.
- Where applicable a copy of an adoption letter, a copy of the death certificate of the deceased parent/parents or legal guardian
- A copy of the court order granting full parental responsibilities and rights or legal guardianship in respect of the child.